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Juniors Neck in Neck with Seniors going into Thursday

The junior class dominated today with our springy attitudes! We started off strong compared to yesterday, wearing floral and gardening attire for the spring weather. We placed second overall for most dressed which is impressive for such a hard season to dress for at this time of year. We placed first in best dressed, sending up Lilah Connor with her wonderful spring outfit and trusty sidekick the ladybug. We placed third for piano solo which was performed beautifully by Lara Cakmakci! At the end of the day, there was dodgeball which included Sally McGrath, Adam Pelotte, Hakon Yeo, Adelaide Strout, Ella Cameron, and Ian Minnihan. We played against the sophomores and won resulting in us making it to the final round of dodgeball on the assemblythis Friday where we’ll play the seniors. In an extremely different environment, the library, an intense game of chess was happening. Sadly we lost to the sophomores and then to the freshmen putting us in third place. This still made us closer to catching the seniors, so it was a win nonetheless. We can’t wait for tomorrow and are excited to give it our all! GO JUNIORS!   

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