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Maggie's In's and Out's of the Month

Maggie Ralph

It’s the beginning of the month, which means that it’s time for old trends to die. For somebody like me, who has been referred to as “Swaggy Maggie” on multiple occasions, I know that my opinion is something that people desperately want (and need). As a result, here is my list of fashion ins and outs for the month of March, each with a short explanation of why. (To preface, I may be a little biased.):

That being said, the most-in fashion style right now is the “Copenhagen girl” aesthetic. For those who don’t know, this style consists of loose, low-waisted pants, flowy striped shirts, and many neutral or pastel colors. This fashion trend is perfect for those who want to be comfortable during tests, but still want to dress to impress. Being of sound mind, I know that I can trust the Scandinavian girlies to choose the best clothing, since that’s also where ABBA comes from. Although in my past I have adored the “fast-fashion” trends, I have learned to adore the clothing staples that just don’t seem to go away; a more “timeless” look. This may be due to my increasing wiseness along with my age, but I think this trend is here to stay. In stark contrast, wearing Doc Martens’ Oxfords to school is definitely out. If you know me, you’ll know that the few times I wore my Oxfords’ to school, I was completely miserable the whole day. While they are seemingly an amazing addition to the perfect wardrobe, they are completely impractical. If you have a gym class during school, DO NOT WEAR OXFORDS. I’m warning you in advance, it will be catastrophic for your ankles and your positivity. However, if you are going to a fun sit-down event, Doc Martens Oxfords are a great option. The next in is thrifted/old L.L. Bean. Last year, my grandpa sadly passed. However, this opened a fantastic opportunity for me; his closet. I did have to fight my sisters for some of the old L.L. Bean shirts, but I came out of the bloodbath with some great new additions to my wardrobe. L.L. Bean clothing is extremely versatile; it’s great for the outdoors, it’s comfortable, and is a great way to show Maine pride. L.L. Bean is especially perfect to wear in other states or in airports to establish state superiority. Thanks for reading and remember - stay swaggy!!


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