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Inflation's Effect on the World

Summer Durate

Gas prices have affected the entire community in some way, whether it be because you drive yourself or because you have to pay extra for the milkshakes at Thoroughfare. Whatever the reason, is inflation is now a part of our daily lives. However, inflation doesn't always have to be higher prices. Some places are experiencing something called shrinkflation. This is when they give you less product or less quality product but keep the price the same. It's cheaper for the producers this way and they don't have to raise the prices. However, some people see gas inflation as a positive though. They see it as a way to help with being eco-friendly. Less people will want to pay for gas so they will ride bikes or carpool. On the other hand, some people see have negative affects. When you are farther away and rely on cars for transportation to get places quickly one way or another you will face the fact that is the high prices. Some people even feel discouraged from going out when it's not needed. I interviewed several people about the current inflation, all of whom gave different responses. I asked Ms. Houston, if she thinks the price of gas is too expensive and she responded “No, I think people should drive less, and these prices could make people choose more eco-friendly transportation”. I asked Mr. Brown the same question and he responded that he “[Has] to drive far for work so he wishes it were cheaper”. With these facts in mind, do you mind do you think that if these prices stay expensive that in the future people will completely switch to transportation that doesn't need gas? How do you think that high gas prices could affect not only this community, but the future of the entire world?

Hope Anthony // Clipper Chronicle


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