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Juniors Ready For Next Year

Class of 2025

This Friday, the standings were nearly equal for the Juniors and Seniors as the school filed into the gym for the end of Spirit Week assembly. Having competed amazingly all week, the Junior class flooded into their respective bleachers, forming a black wave that was ready to win. First, the Penny Wars and supply drive results had to be announced: the Juniors achieved a simply impressive score in Penny Wars (negative 76), and got second place to the Seniors for the supply drive. It was vehemently argued among the Junior gym bleachers on Friday that Malyk and Iris’s outfits were spectacular, but I guess the judges just weren’t paying enough attention to the intricate details when we ungratifyingly got last placement for Best Dressed. The sourness we all felt at this loss swiftly turned around when we won a first-place tie with the Sophomores for Most Dressed (great job everyone!). These highs and lows would continue for the assembly and went on with a third place for the very talented and detailed mural. For another change in mood, the Juniors were awarded with first place for cupcake decorating! Thank you Paige and Laila for your exquisite baking + decorating skills! Lastly, for the passive announcements in the assembly, the Juniors got second place for their Star Wars-themed cafeteria section. As for the active events, the Juniors started with an impressive second-place win for the new and potentially improved version of the grapefruit pass, and got an amazing first place win for the group dance! And, while the entire school watched, the Juniors stripped of shoes AND socks, managing an impressive win over the Seniors in the tug-of-war competition! The glowing pride of this win continued until, alas, the Seniors won the dodgeball final (although still giving Juniors an impressive second place). The mystery engineering event ended regrettably for the Juniors with last place, but their attempted innovation will not be forgotten. We all know how much of a finicky gamble that event can be. The relay race showed the diversity of talents for the Junior class, and resulted with a second-place win. The limbo competition wasn’t the Junior’s forte, despite some amazing flexibility, and landed us third. Finally, after many long minutes packed tightly in the bleachers, the last event was upon the assembly: the talent. An amazing (and fantastically accurate) performance of Ho Hey by the Lumineers shockingly took last place in a cruel turn of events! Is it too critical to say we were robbed…?

To end the assembly the Juniors came second to the Seniors, with the Sophomores only three points behind. Obviously, this is a miserable disappointment. In spite of our crippling loss, the only thing that matters is: we all tried our best, and had fun doing it. Also, the current seniors will have been kicked out of YHS when Spirit Week comes around next year and will be completely out of the way of the unbreakable class of 2025.

Devyn Doyle, Alivia Torick & Caleb Ferrell


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